Fumar Cigars creates cigar-rolling shows and bars for Events, specializing in providing an exclusive and sophisticated experience that adds excitement to every occasion. Our cigar-rolling events are not just about the finished product; they are about the process, the history, and the lore surrounding the legacy of Cigars in the American experience. The magic and art of cigar rolling become a captivating show, an interactive journey into the art and tradition of cigar making, entertaining your guests and enriching your event, sharing the story of Americana through the lens of the tobacco industry. Our innovative Cigar Bars offer a selection of custom-made cigars handcrafted by skilled artisans right before you.

For your event we will bring 10-16 different shapes, sizes and blends to appeal to ALL cigar smokers, novice or aficionados. From our mildest blends to our fullest-body cigars, we personally assist each guest in choosing their smoke, cutting, lighting, and presenting the finest experience anywhere! Our Cigar Rolling Shows go beyond mere display. Furthermore, we offer an extensive range of personalized amenities, including private-label cigars, allowing you to customize the experience to align precisely with your brand or event theme. Elevate your next event with our exceptional cigar-rolling services.

+ Additional Info
(623) 594-4020
(623) 594-4020
210 West Parkside Lane #110 Phoenix, AZ 85027
Monday 9 AM - 8 PM
Tuesday 9 AM - 8 PM
Wednesday 9 AM - 8 PM
Thursday 9 AM - 8 PM
Friday 10 AM - 10 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM
Sunday 10 AM - 5PM