City incorporation: 1951
City slogan: “The West’s Most Western Town”
Official food: Chili
Luxury visitor median age: 49 years old
Luxury visitor median household income: $218,000
Luxury visitor average daily on-property expenditures (including room): $716
Luxury visitor average length of stay: 2.39 nights
Percentage of luxury visitors who visit more than once in a year: 75%
Top 10 activities and experiences for Scottsdale visitors: shopping, fine dining, swimming, landmark/historic site, bar/nightclub, national/state park, hiking/backpacking, museum, golf, casino
Airport access: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport offers 1,200+ daily flights and serves more than 100 domestic and international cities. Scottsdale Airport is one of the premier corporate jet facilities in the state. In 2017, 168,126 takeoffs and landings occurred.
Sources: Experience Scottsdale’s Visitor Industry Customer Analysis 2017, Longwoods International Scottsdale 2017 Visitor Research, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Scottsdale Airport
Population rank: 5th in Arizona, 85th in the United States
Population: 254,514
Resident median age: 45
Resident median household income: $85,755
Educational attainment: Bachelor’s degree or higher – 56%, Associate Degree/Some College – 28%, High School Graduate – 12%, Less than High School – 4%
Unemployment rate: 3.1%
Businesses: There are 21,600 licensed businesses in Scottsdale. More than 21,000 jobs are associated with tourism-related activities and services, while numerous additional jobs in all fields are indirectly impacted by the industry.
Largest employers: Honor Health, Vanguard, CVS Health, City of Scottsdale, Scottsdale Unified School District, General Dynamics, Mayo Clinic, Nationwide Specialty, Yelp, and GoDaddy
Sources: City of Scottsdale Economic Development, 2017 Scottsdale Tourism Study – Visitor Statistics
Size: 184.5 square miles, stretching 31 miles north to south
Elevation: Ranges from 1,150 – 4,877 feet
Average sunny days: 314
Average rainfall: 7.66 inches
Paved paths: 105 miles paved pathways
Non-motorized trails in Scottsdale’s McDowell Sonoran Preserve: 215 miles
Bicycle routes: 384 miles, which includes bike lanes, bike paths, bike routes and paved shoulders
Source: City of Scottsdale
Resorts and hotels: 50 in Scottsdale, 70 in the surrounding area
Hotel rooms: Nearly 14,000 in Scottsdale and the surrounding area
Meeting spaces: On-property resort and hotel indoor and outdoor meeting space ranges from 200 to 200,000 square feet
Golf courses: 51 in Scottsdale, more than 200 in the surrounding area
Largest annual event: PGA TOUR’s Waste Management Phoenix Open attracted 719,179 spectators during the 2018 tournament at TPC Scottsdale
Spas: More than 50 day, resort, and health spas
Art & culture: 6 museums and more than 150 art galleries and art dealers within the city, with 50 located in Old Town Scottsdale.
Restaurants: About 900 restaurants
Sources: 2017 Scottsdale Tourism Study – Lodging Statistics, City of Scottsdale, Experience Scottsdale, Waste Management Phoenix Open